Pryvet! (That's Russian for hello)
Oy. I am sorry friends that I have been such a bad little blogger. Busy times and laziness are what has happened. :( I hope you'll all forgive me. So, I know that I keep saying that I will share different things with you, but it seems that it gets to a point where it kind of becomes too late to share said things. I believe I have crossed that line. Whoops. My bad. I promise to try and become a much better blogger!
I hope things have been going well in all of your varied lives. Things have been pretty good in mine. I started my yoga class at the Y this week. It's pretty fun, but I was sorely disappointed in myself when I discovered just how much of my flexibility I have lost in the last few years. Also, that I have the upper body strength of a... um... Well, something that has no upper body strength. I was really shocked to notice that my arms were TREMBLING after doing a few different poses that got us into downward dog. What a lame-o. Maybe it was just because I was one of the youngest people in the class by about twenty years... I hope to improve on that.
I really should start going downstairs and start working out on some of the fancy machines that my local Y has. However, I haven't quite figured out how to get into that room... I also am really self-conscious about attempting to use these machines when I am by myself. Most of them I have no clue on how they are used properly and the time that I am usually at the Y is in the early morning. You know, when the fitness addicts are all pounding away on the treadmills and stairmasters. I'd feel like they were mocking me in their spandex-y outfits and thinking "Aww... Look at that delightful chubby girl. She hasn't a clue what in the hell she is doing. How cute." I am also terrified that some stranger would try to help me and tell me that I was doing it wrong. That would just make an already awkward situation even more embarrassing. Plus, I am such a clumsy person that there has been more than a few times that I have hurt myself on a treadmill. Yep. I'm the girl who has tripped while it's going and goes flying off. More than once. All in all, I am a very entertaining person to watch while I work out. Which, makes me a little nervous to do it in front of a roomful of complete strangers. Sigh.
Anyways! Sorry for the random little rant. I warned you that I have a tendency to ramble... I also have been working on a few new projects. I started working on a scarf for Husband. I learned how to do a Tunsian cross stitch and he liked it so much he asked me to make him a new scarf. It should be nice and warm, and I am so proud that I am FINALLY learning how to do different kinds of stitches SUCCESSFULLY. I learned how to do the stitch from this blog:
See? Nice and easy directions that are simple to understand and there are PICTURES that show you how things are supposed to look! I love it. I am also working on a baby blanket for a friend of mine who I don't get to see very often, so I hope she likes it! I am going to be doing blocks and then sewing them together once I finish them up. I picked out two really fun bright colors that I think are going to be just darling together. Would you like to see? Okay!
I am using the white, Watermelon, and Melon colors. Aren't they pretty?! They're so soft too. I have used this yarn before to make another blanket for another friend's baby, and it was just so cuddly that I am sure her little boy loves it. I believe that I used the Pagoda, Pistachio, and white on that one. I just love the colors that this brand has. So beautiful. I think using some of their Party line to make a blanket would be really fun! Or a scarf. Or a shawl. Or a hat. Or some legwarmers. Or some armwarmers. Anything really would be neat. Also, I have not heard about the Sheep(Ish) line yet. I will have to try and find some. Do some exploring on the website. They have some adorable patterns on it. Check out this super cute blanket I found on there!
Too bad that I am not that experienced yet... Someday though! Well, I well try to take pictures as I go so you can see my progress on this project. I think that if it works out, I will make another for someone else that I know. I am pretty sure she is having a little boy, so it will be fun to go back and pick out different colors again! I am thinking that maybe Limelight, Lemon, and maybe an off white would be really cute. I would love to use the Blue Mint, Dark Country Blue, and Ocean. I just can't remember for sure if it's a boy, and I don't want any awkwardness over giving her the wrong colors... But, I am sure there will be another friend or acquaintance who will be having a boy sooner or later, so I guess I could do both! Oh, how exciting! Yay for projects!! Does anyone else get this nerdily excited about knitting or crocheting?
Well friends, I think that might be all for now. It's going to be a fairly busy weekend. Tomorrow night, Husband and I have my niece, Dimples, overnight. We'll be taking her to supper at Baker's Square and she'll be using her Target gift card and possibly taking her to this amazing frozen yogurt shop. Mmmm... Frozen yogurt... Drool...
AHEM. Sorry. Sunday I will be going to Apple Valley for a belly dance garage sale! I am super excited!! I will be riding with a few other girls who are in the belly dance scene ( two of them are actually in the local troupe!) so, that will be a very interesting day! Whoo hoo! I will make sure to post pictures of any goodies I find.
Well, I am off to take a bubble bath. I have been feeling all yucky for a good chunk of the day. I learned a very valuable lesson today though. Never eat beef jerky from a vending machine. No matter how good it sounds. I know that stuff is supposed to last forever, but I am blaming it for my sickness.
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