Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dancey Wednesday

 Well, kids. I think Mother Nature has completely gone and lost her shit. Seriously. It's the middle of December and it's 37 degrees, and it has been RAINING ALL DAY. In Minnesota. Crazy, huh? Not that I am complaining. I seriously LOVE rainy days. It's one of my favorite things ever. In fact, I am one of those weirdos who gets grumpy if it's sunny too many days in a row. I just hope we can get a light dusting in time for Christmas! It just doesn't feel very Christmas-y to have a brown and slightly greenish Christmas instead of the white ones us MN people are used to. Sigh.
Anyways, how has all your days gone? Good, I hope. Mine went fairly well. I did more Christmas shopping with Husband, it was only a tad more successful than the last trip yesterday. We picked up some presents for the cat. Yep. We're those  kinds of people. We didn't get her anything last year and felt really bad about it, so we just got her a new scratching post, a few more peacock feathers, and a new catnip banana. ( The word banana is fun to type! BANANA BANANA BANANA)
Husband also was super sweet and got me something REALLY cool! It's a MLP:FIM playset!! It'll look nice to the figurines (Okay, they're really toys from Wal-Mart) that he has already gotten me.... Check out the ones I had before today!

Yep. Aren't they cute?! This is what Husband bought for me today!

Granted, I already had a toy of Twilight Sparkle, but it had Pinkie Pie! And Spike! And Princess Celestia! And Applejack! I guess it doesn't really take much to make me happy. Ponies. I love them. :)
So, after all that shopping, I had just about enough time to come home, get dressed for dance class, and get there. We were missing a few dancers, but it was a fun class anyways. We worked a lot on our stick dance. I swear, I will get things down, and then when the level 2 dancers come in and watch us, I get all flustered, start over thinking about what it is I am doing, then wind up missing steps and doing wonky ass things with my hips.     Le sigh. We got cds of the music tonight, so that just means I can practice it more when and where I can! I would love to be able to practice it at home, but we have a SUPER teensy place. I mean, if I stretch while standing in the living room, I have to be careful so I don't whack my hand on the ceiling fan. We also have a lot of crap, so there isn't a whole lot of empty floor space. Hmm... I just recently joined my local YMCA, so maybe I can find an empty gym sometime and practice there. Sorry, I got a little distracted there. I have a tendency to ramble quite a bit, so humor me folks, I usually get  back to the point.
Well, I just figured I would write entry. I have to work at my morning job as well as my late afternoon job, so I can't stay up late knitting and cruising pinterest. :( I think I am going to go brew me some tea, take a bubble bath, watch an episode of Cheers on the nettyflix and go off to dreamworld.
Goodnight Never Never Land!
P.S. Hopefully those links work, I really have no clue how to do much of anything on here, so I will make Husband teach me how to do those things. :)

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