So, in a fun way of getting to know me more, I decided to make a list of my top ten favorite things! This is also my first attempt at putting pictures on a blog, so bear with me okay? I am usually pretty clueless when it comes to doing anything "advanced" on the computer. I probably won't be putting pictures for ALL of my favorite items, since I am not quite that ambitious. Google, ya'll. :) So, sit back with a glass or mug of something yummy and enjoy!
10. Candy... Oh my goodness candy. I am not quite a choco-holic, but a full blown fruity/gummy addict. I have to be supervised in any candy store I go into. A friend once told me that I am very much like a five year old with an allowance. I always have a stash of candy of some kind squirreled away. Mmmm.... Sour Patch Kids... Yummy... *Drooly faced me* AHEM.. Sorry.
9. Celestial Seasonings tea! (Just about any flavor)
Oh my god, I could live on this stuff , I swear. I have been drinking it since I was probably around 5ish. That's about twenty years of amazingness! My favorite flavor is the Cinnamon Apple Spice. I stopped drinking it for a year or two because I was bad and was drinking a crap ton of soda. I have recently gotten back into drinking it more and more after I quit smoking and realized that some sodas just tasted kind of funny. I love all of the flavors I have tried, but it's been quite awhile since I have most of them again. (Hmm... Experiment for the blog you say? OKAY! I will tell Husband immediately that I must buy as many tea flavors as I can for an experiment since it has been demanded by you, my loverly readers.) Except that Kombucha crap. Nor the laxative tea. No way no how.
Here's their website in all their glory...
8. Nail Polish!
Yep. I love this stuff. So pretty, and all the different things you can do with them. It's amazing. I have a basket filled with different bottles of nail polish that I pick up from Wal Greens. I have a habit of picking up a new color pretty much I go in there. Thank god the stuff I usually get is only 2 bucks a bottle. It's pretty nice-ish stuff too! I never tend to wear mine for very long, since I like to change it up so much, but the brand Sinful Colors has some great colors that works pretty well! Check out some of the colors they have on the walgreens website!
7. Baking cupcakes!
I really enjoy making these cute little cups of goodness. I always like testing out new flavors and mixing up different kinds of frosting. I think my favorite so far has to be my blueberry cupcake with a cotton candy buttercream and pop rock sprinkles. My tummy is growling just thinking of them. Or maybe it's my White Russian cupcakes... Yep, I put booze in my cupcakes! Did you know that there's a few books out with recipes for boozy cakes?! I didn't until a month or so ago. I put it on my wish list, so we will have to see if Santa brings it for me. If not, I can always wait until I have extra money. I really love that cupcakes are the biggest rage at weddings. My cupcakes even made an appearance at my wedding in September this year! I made just over 300 cupcakes (I think about 5 or 6 flavors), had about 5 or 6 different frosting flavors, and a variety of different fun sprinkles. It was a fun DIY cupcake bar that seemed to be a pretty big hit.
These are pictures of the cupcake bar taken by our lovely photographer, StudioMona. So dreamy looking...
6. Belly Dancing!
Do I really have to explain why? Go to youtube, and check out a few videos. Amazing.
5. Muppets!
I love them. They're so cute! We went and watched their newest movie recently with Husband's dad and step-mom and totally loved it! Husband and I even had muppets made from the WhatNot workshop at FAO Schwarz's website for our wedding!
Here they are! And me! Aren't they CUTE?!!!
Also, if you want to see what you could look like as a muppet, go here!
4..My Little Ponies: Friendship Is Magic!
Duh. Here, I am going to include a link of the pilot episode. WATCH IT!!! Okay, that sounded pretty bossy.. I am sorry. But seriously, watch it, it is melt your face off adorable. I wanna squish them they are so cute!!
3. Suki, the kitty.
This will not be the last time that I force you to share in her cuteness. Suki is my loud mouthed, sassy, fluffy adorable kitty. As I told you in the last post, she is horribly spoiled even though she is incredibly naughty. In fact, shortly after I leave for work, I get a phone call from Husband saying that she has broken into the bag with her presents and had stolen her catnip banana! (Hehehehe... BANANA BANANA BANANA) Sigh. She's lucky she's cute.
This is when she's her cutest. Even if she does hog the bed... Or the couch like she is here.Sweet little fluffykins.
Suki standing on top of Husband's band.. stuff.
Bwhahahahahaaaaa... That's what she'd be saying here... Creepy picture, right?
2. My friends and family!
You know who you all are! I'd put pictures of you all on here, but that's way too many people to ask at this time. You all rock my socks.
He puts up with my insanity, my grumpiness, and all of my quirks. He deserves a big ass cookie and a shiny medal. Or something.
Have a good weekend everyone! I have a busy weekend of making cupcakes for the first family Christmas gathering and hanging out with one of my brothers (hopefully). I'll try to take pictures and make a post later!
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